Contractors Insurance Agency for your Life Insurance Needs
Life insurance helps you leave a larger legacy for your loved ones, your business, or your favorite charity.
Personal Life Insurance Options
Term Life Insurance to 95
This simple, affordable coverage can be continued to age 95.
Whole Life Insurance
Your rates won’t increase, and your benefits won’t decrease. This policy builds cash value that grows tax-deferred, and it can be accessed during your lifetime.
Universal Life Insurance
Universal Life Insurance is competitively priced. It builds cash value and includes a guaranteed death benefit.
Transitional Life Insurance
Transitional Life Insurance offers a mix of term and permanent coverage. Plus, it builds cash value. The plan ends with a guaranteed, paid-up policy that remains for the rest of your life.
Funeral planning, Fraud Protection, Long Term Care Rider, Disability Income, and more.
For Your Business
Buy-sell agreements among co-owners are intended to assure the smooth future transition of that co-ownership.
- Provide a market for the business of interest of a deceased, disabled, or retired owner.
- To restrict transferability, both during life and at death, or ownership interests.
- Fit the value of, or at least the method of valuing, the business during life/death.
Key person insurance is a simple, efficient way to help protect a business against the potential financial loss associated with the loss of a key employee.
- Helps reimburse an amployer for losses due to the death of the employee.
- Provides immediate cash after the death of a key employee.
- Provides cost-effective liquidity to help the business function after losing a key employee.